Well, now that I am done with my pep talk, here are some study tips and ways to remember all the terms for the lower muscles. Keep in mind the previous weeks study tips for the upper muscles and you will have so much fun in your studies this week!
Abdominal Wall
Linea Alba: Think of the albino(white) line running down the middle of the abdomen.
**Or a popular favorite...Jessica Alba has good abs.
Vertebral Column
Salt Lake International
Tensor faciae latae: there once was a girl who was tense into fashion and she held a latte in her hand while placing her hand on her hip.
**The hand of the hip part lets you know where in the body this muscle is.
Sartorius: notorius for being the longest muscle in the body.
Rectus Femoris: the term rectus means straight up and down.
**Take a moment in open lab to observe the up and down muscle fibers of the rectus femoris.
Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis and Vastus intermedius
**Alice's on the sides and us in the middle
Gracilis: When someone sitting next to you rubs the inside of your leg you can say gracias or no gracias. (you decide!)
Order of the inner thigh muscles from inferior to superior
Gracilis->Adductor Magnus->Adductor Longus->Adductor Brevis->Pectineus
**Great Major League Baseball Players
The Posteior Aspect (aka: The Bottom)
Gluteus Maximus->Gluteus Medius->Gluteus minimus->Piriformis->
Superior Gemellus->Obturator Internus->Inferior Gamellus-> Obturator Externus->Quadratus Femoris
**Gotta Gotta Gotta Pee G.O. G.O. Quickly
Adductor Magnus and Semimembranosus
**If you eat M&M's they go straight to your inner thighs (medial)
Semitendinosus: It is the only hamstring muscle that has a long tendon. This tendon wraps around the medial side of the tibia and inserts medial to the tibial tuberosity(pes anserinus).
Biceps Femoris: The most lateral hamstring muscle and it has two heads.
Lower Leg
Plantaris and Soleus: plant your seeds in the soil
Popliteus: you pop your knee in (medial)
Calcaneal Tendon: Achilles' tendon
Lower Leg Story Rules
Digitorum: digits (toes)
Hallucis: big toe
Peroneus (fibularis): fibula
Tibialis: tibia
Extensor vs. Flexor (make sure you understand this well!!)
- Remember, it is similar to the hand. You will find the flexor leg muscles on the medial malleolus side and the extensor muscles on the lateral malleolus side.
- The Story begins with teh Tibialis Posterior and ends with the Tibialis Anterior.
- Tom, Dick and Harry are men and they meet at the medial malleolus.
Tibialis Posterior->Flexor Digitorum Longus->Flexor Hallucis Longus->Calcaneal Tendon->Peroneus Brevis->Peroneus Longus->Peroneus Tertius->Extensor Digitorum Longus->Extensor Hallucis Longus->Tibialis Anterior
**Tom, Dick and Harry went around the Calcaneal corner to get a Peroneus B.L.T. During Half Time.
Okay, I hope this helps in your studies this next week!!! Go to the open lab as often as time permits for you. You are almost done with the muscles but don't let them slip your head too fast. The lab midterm is in just a few weeks. If you feel comfortable with the terms for your lower muscles quiz, take a few minutes to review the bones and upper muscles. You will be so happy when you do. Happy Studying!!!
**Here is a random muscles fact for the week!!!
When walking down the street you use over 200 muscles. Challenge yourself and see if you can name a few.
This wonderful! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeletei've appreciated your posts. random that we ended up in the same english class.
ReplyDeleteand to say that we "survived" upper muscles might be an exaggeration for my lab section. there was active panic among the more uppity students. :)
Always good to see the material again. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! Haha, thanks. I laughed so hard at gracilis xD
ReplyDeleteOooh I just read your profile; I want to be a physician assistant too :D
ReplyDeleteTaking anatomy for the first time now.. I hope you reach(ed) your goals!!